
Posting old entries, pardon the mess.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

June 19, 2007

Well look what we have here! This makes 7 entries in a row! Bravo to me.

I am glad that I have some free time today to get this done early and make it nice and long! Its too hot out today, and my friend doesn't want to come out so I have a lot of free time. I am also taking a break from Zelda today! I do know one thing though, I am pretty bored today...

I have some good news though, DJ No Left Turn posted a new mix! It was a few weeks ago but I just listened to it last night before I went to bed. Its called Sincerely, Digital. I listened to it on my old SJ33 for laughs. I have to say, that 4 year old PDA sounds great! Shame that its not Palm OS 5.

I am also glad to say that I will be sticking with Windows on my Acer from now on! Linux is nice, in fact I am using it now on my IBM ThinkPad 570, buts its just too much hassle to get it working just right. Once I get my T20 though, I will be using Linux on it. I really like using Linux so I want to have one computer with it at least. I will probably reinstall Windows on this 570 once I get the T20 though.

Ever look at some old technology and just want to use it for fun? I have been like that lately, I mean I am using the old IBM right now! I am kind of upset that floppy disks are gone. We probably could have made them faster and hold more data! Ok I am just kidding there! I still prefer my flash drives any day. I think what we should start making standard is the SD card slot. I would love to be able to use my SD card in any computer like a flash drive, then pop it back into my iPAQ. With a laptop though, you can use a PCMCIA adapter. With a desktop on the other hand, you need a card reader. I rather have these built in! Hell, even a PCMCIA slot on desktops would be good enough. I have USB card readers on my laptop.

Speaking of USB, I can't stand it now that I have a laptop. I hate it since my USB ports are in a bad spot for me... They are on the right side, which is the side where my mouse goes. If I had a rear port, I would be able to use a hub a lot easier. This would let me have my PDA connected too, since the cable interferes with my mouse area!

I also think that we need to start getting USB host into every PDA and phone now. I need USB host for simplicity sake. I rather carry a flash drive then anything like a card reader. I use my flash drive to hold my website and some other odd files. I also like to have some portable applications for back up.

We had one hell of a thunderstorm here today! Wow, what a storm! We had a lot of thunder and lightning! LOUD THUNDER TOO! We had one right above the house that was loud as hell. There will be more coming later tonight too! I love strong storms! I rather watch a storm then watch TV!

I am also glad to say that I updated the links page as well! Sorry for the late entry again, I guess this will start to be the normal time for posting them!

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