
Posting old entries, pardon the mess.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

August 29, 2007

Well, its back to Syracuse today for the second time. This time we are going to see America. Last time it was Poco, Pure Prairie League, and Fire Fall. The annoying thing is last time it was hot as hell and guess what today's forecast for today is there? 91 again! Ugh!!!! Why must it be hot as hell? They pick the best days for these state fairs huh???
Well this is just great, our fridge broke again. The freezer door was open a bit last night and now the temperature isn't going down enough. Well I guess the good thing is that we won't be home to worry about it. We unplugged it so it won't cause a fire, and we have everything we need in coolers with ice. Lets hope the rest of today turns out to be better.
Well, I have to use the Acer on car trips now. I guess its not really that cramped but I do like using a smaller computer regardlessly. Its a lot easier to use the smaller one. The T20 all the more because it has a TrackPoint mouse. They are easier to use in the back of a car really. They require less arm movement for instance.
Ah the joy of road construction. On the turn pike besides! Down to 1 lane travel. FUN! I don't even see anyone working on the closed lane so what gives? Well, I guess its going to be a long ride today.
I have to say, I am really liking the smaller desk. I find the having less room for junk keeps it cleaner for me. This is a big help for me since I am very messy. I have a stand that I keep stuff on like my printer. Its a nice solution for me. Since the shared laser doesn't always get detected for me.
I don't know if I said this yesterday but I took my router back since I decided I didn't really need it. This gave me some more room really. I can't stand cluttered wires! A router needs at least 2 cables too! If it wasn't for my light, I would only have 1 cable for the laptop. That would be great! I have a wireless mouse so theres no clutter there! Personally, I think everything should be wireless where possible.
We had to take our phones back yesterday too. I forgot to mention that! They were sounding very badly. We got the same ones of course. They really are a nice phone. Theres the one flaw though: the Verizon operating system on them. Kind of ruins the idea of buying a phone because of the features. The phone would be the same exact thing if it was made by Motorola. There would be no differences.
As you can see, the site was dormant for a good 10 days. I apologize for my laziness. I will be trying to get more entries up soon. Hopefully they will be more organized, unlike today's! Most of today's is stuff that pops into my head.
Well, today was the first day of school here. Lucky for me, I DON'T NEED TO GO ANYMORE!
I am still undecided about college. I want to go but don't in a way. I am just so sick of school. Always being tested on crap. Though if I do go, I am going for Computer Software Engineering. Fun field if your a geek like me. I love computers so its a natural for me.
Nothing like happy hardcore on a car trip. I have my Zen Vision M with me so I have some good tunes. While the tunes are on my laptop too, I have never tried playing WMA on Linux. That is why I have the MP3 player though right? The only thing I wish I had was one with a removable battery.
I have to say, I am dying for some Chinese food. I love that stuff! I would love a nice big plate of chicken fried rice right now, something the buffet doesn't have! That and I would also love a nice ice cold StarBucks frappuchino. Vanilla of course! I love them things! All part of being a caffeine lover I suppose. I could also go for a slice of Dominoes pizza. Pepperoni is the best when you cover it in blue cheese.
I was smart enough to bring the laptop cooler today. I am at 46 C so pretty good. I have it on "Power Save" to have it at 800MHZ even though I am on the adapter. I love having an inverter. I hate when my laptop runs hot and its during the summer. In the winter its nice since its cold.
I noticed I can stay up on the way home easier now. Maybe its because its summer. Now I could only see my keyboard at night haha.

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