
Posting old entries, pardon the mess.

Sunday, July 1, 2007

July 1, 2007

Well, the site overhaul is pretty much done. I have a coming soon for the Linux page for now. I plan on making it soon as I get the T20 and install Ubuntu and have everything tested. The electronics page will also be updated soon as I get the T20. I am going to post the review of the T20 soon also.

I am glad to announce the return of the Forums. This means that you will be able to comment on these entries. I am only adding it to new blog and news entries. This entry will have a comments section posted on he forums. I will not post the whole entry there, you will have to view it here.

The ThinkPad T20 was suppose to come on Friday and I am sad to say that I didn't get it yet. I will get it Monday, tomorrow. I am also no longer going to get the Clie NX70 trade as we decided it was for the best not to. I have to many PDAs and she rather not give up the NX.

I had a very good steak yesterday. I went to Bonanza Steak House. I got a full pound of porterhouse steak and the buffet for 15 bucks! It was by far the best steak I have ever eaten! I would love to go back for another steak right now! I think I liked it more then I like the Chinese buffets, and I love Chinese food!

I have been using Ubuntu for awhile and so far, its running great. I worked out the little kinks and now everything is working. I am making a page for Linux. I want to save this page until I get the T20 and install Linux on it. This will give me time too see how everything works. I will then make lists of what does and doesn't work. This will take some time so please, no riots. I am only a humble webmaster without the time needed for everything I need to do.

So, Friday was iDay, the iPhone launch! SO how many people here wasted the 600 bucks on this thing? I for one will not waste that much on a phone. The phone could be the best phone ever made, I will not spend 600 on a phone. I use a cell phone for basic calling only. I would never spend even 100 bucks. I see the most I would spend as around 50. For a phone, its not even worth that to me.

The iPhone has 8GB of memory right? Well from what I read, 700MB of that is the operating system so that leaves you with about 7GB left. Sad that you can get a Treo 680 and SDHC card (that would be 8GB) for half the cost! Yeah, good job Apple. I would rather a removable battery, a real operating system that can do work like edit Word documents, and be able to chose my music player. then a fancy multi touch screen. Plus, I rather a cell phone service that actually gets good signal. Sure, Verizon may not have the best phones, but I rather signal quality any day!

Also, I know I am going to get criticized for this, but I really am starting to think that maybe Palm OS is better then Pocket PC. I have always been mixed feelings on this really. Palm OS has the speed and ease, but Pocket PC has more options, and way better on screen keyboard. The built in programs are a bit better on Pocket PC too. Like I rather Pocket Internet Explorer over Blazer any day. Pocket PC makes editing HTML easier due to the better web browser.

There is also this one thing that makes my iPAQ better then my Palm TX. The hardware itself. Palm doesn't make the best hardware to me. There screens are pretty much crap now. They get drift and are too soft. The most important thing though is the battery. On my iPAQ, I can easily change batteries. All I have to do is shut the PDA off and open the battery cover. On the TX, the battery is soldered in so there is no easy way to change batteries.

This is one thing that really annoys me. Batteries are the worst thing ever when it comes t gadgets. Once they die, they are usually a pain to replace. The iPod is a great example of the “once the battery dies, its useless" law. The battery is so hard to replace, its easier to just get a real MP3 player. The Zen Vision:M I have is the same way though. I would rather that everything have a cheap, easy to replace, and long lasting battery. I would rather use a NIMH battery if it lasted longer. Laptop batteries are the worst as they run about 100 bucks, give or take.

Speaking of laptops, the T20 I will be getting hopefully tomorrow is only a 750MHZ, not an 800MHZ. We made a mistake on the chat, but I don't think that 50MHZ is that big of a deal. It will run good with Linux on it hopefully.

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