
Posting old entries, pardon the mess.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

March 27, 2008

The internet is such a huge distraction! I try to work on my programming and I end up opening FireFox and checking stuff like Engadget or Gizmodo all day. This is really annoying but I know I am not the only one who gets side tracked so easy.

I have to say that I miss what I use to do on my old blog. I am thinking of going back to a website like I use to have. I will use 110MB Hosting probably though. I really do miss doing the articles and stuff. I will think about what I want to do. The one thing is that you won't be able to comment though, not like anyone reads the site. I will just need to see what happens I guess.

I really love Crisis Core a lot. I only played a little bit but this was worth the 40 bucks. While this game is a Final Fantasy game, it is not a turn based RPG game. Its an Action RPG which has a more Zelda like battle system. You use left and right to select attacks or magic or items. I really like this but its sort of a button masher game to be honest. It is a prequel to Final Fantasy VII so I will be playing that next.

I found something neat about the PS3. My TV that I sent to be fixed only had DVI and not HDMI. This means that I need to use optical for sound on the living room TV. I found out that you can send only Audio through the AV port on the back of the PS3. This means that once I finally get my TV back I can play PS3 in my room.

The weather for tomorrow is rain and snow again. We didn't really get much today. The temperature is going to be in the 40s again. Supper today was good. Its strips of London broil in Good Seasons Italian dressing and thrown on the grill, and a baked potato. I really love baked potatoes as you can tell!

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