
Posting old entries, pardon the mess.

Friday, April 4, 2008

April 4, 2008

Today was a wet day. It rained all day. I really am sick of this weather. I am still planning on dismantling the car this weekend. I have been thinking of spending a little more on the car then I expected to though. I need to get a new body and tires soon so I may get them early.

I haven't been working on that game much since I decided to take a little break to play Crisis Core. I really am enjoying this game and I hope to finish the main story soon. I am going to play it twice though so I can get all the missions done.

I had hamburgers for supper today with French fries. They were the Angus beef ones from Sams club. These are pretty good. They are seasoned so they taste a lot better then most. The weather tomorrow is going to be a nice 53 and cloudy. Too bad my buggy doesn't work since its going to be nice.

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