
Posting old entries, pardon the mess.

Friday, August 17, 2007

August 17, 2007

I know I have been a little on the lazy side when it comes to the site lately. I will try to keep more up to date anymore. Its mostly due to me being tired. So heres a brief update of the past three days:
Well, GNOME, the default desktop environment for Ubuntu, turned ten. I highly prefer this to KDE. Its more like Mac OS where KDE is more like Windows.
I also stepped on a bee the other day. God I hate bees! I decided to take out the OFNA. I had it running great when the fail safe kicked in telling me the batteries were dead. Thats when I stepped on Mr. Bee. Well Looks like Mr. Bee ain't returning to th hive no more...
The CD also celebrated a birthday! 25 years! Thats a long time for a format if you ask me.
Ok now that's out of the way, I'm thinking of having a fun stuff page. This will be just as it says: FUN STUFF!
I have permission from my one friend to post some stuff he said. This will be the first fun stuff page. I will ask the other people in that thread if I may post it here. Expect this soon.

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