
Posting old entries, pardon the mess.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

July 5, 2007

Well guess what came today! Yup, the T20!
The laptop is running Windows XP Pro, not Ubuntu like I was planning. I'll explain more in a second. The laptop, as stated before is a 750MHZ Pentium 3, and had 256MB of RAM, I upped the RAM to 384MB and plan to get the RAM up to its maximum of 512MB. Its hard to find PC100 SODIMM RAM cheap though. The hard drive is 40GB. One of the cooler features though is the ThinkLight on the top. Very nice!
Now, about the Linux situation! I decided that I would stop using it. Why? Simple answer is too many little annoyances. The long answer is there were too many annoying things for me. Like my flash drives didn't always work right. I rather just have an operating system where all my stuff works. Plus, all the applications I need for Linux are on Windows anyway.
I have to say, XP isn't really a bad operating system. I just like Linux because its different. Does this mean I am giving up on Linux forever? No, not at all! I plan on getting the Asus Eee PC when it comes out. It will run a variant of Xandros Linux. This will be perfect for doing my website on. The fact that it runs on Linux means that I can do everything code wise, with the same programs I use all the time. Its a win win situation!
What does this mean for my Linux page? Well, I will be keeping it up for now. This is in case I decide to go back to Linux. It will also serve as a page for my Asus Eee PC if I get one. One The page seems like it is no longer needed, I shall delete it.
The review for the T20 will come so when I feel like doing it, as I have been very lazy lately.

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