
Posting old entries, pardon the mess.

Friday, February 8, 2008

February 8, 2008

Well, I will be adding a new section to the site soon. It is going to be an article page. It will deal with stuff like "How to buy a laptop" and maybe some software how to guides. I want to post some specialized rants there also with topics. The section may also contain general rants instead of in the blog section of the site.

I plan on working on the computers page tonight. I want to get it done soon since I have a teaser page up. I did the teaser page since the link was already there and I figured if anyone clicked it, I would just put the coming soon page up. I have to say I am pretty lazy with updating the site some days and I am trying to get into a better update schedule.

I had tacos for supper. Weather for tomorrow is snow to rain and about an inch of snow accumulating. Then light snow that night. Going to be fun! We are having artichokes tomorrow and not going out.

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