
Posting old entries, pardon the mess.

Monday, March 10, 2008

March 10, 2008

I played a little bit of Unreal Tournament 3 today but not much. I was going to play more but I ended up doing other stuff. I love the Lego map. Its a lot of fun to just blow up the Lego parts of that map that are breakable. I play with no bots on this map and just myself.

Did anyone hear about the guy with the MacBook Air missing his flight because TSA didn't think it was a real computer? This kind of stuff makes me happy I don't fly! I would hate having them look at my stuff and getting possibly detained over my computer. Personally, I would rather just drive then go through all that trouble.

I hooked up the old 100MB Zip drive. This is one of the ones that has a power supply. It still works and I have 7 disks I can use. There are 2 with software stuff on them also. The thing may be useless but it works and its 100MB of data.

Sometimes I miss the old days. Remember when a Zip disk was great technology? It use to be that software was small and not bloated. I hate the fact that Windows is pretty bloated for what its really used for. I may mess with nLite and remove some stuff I don't use.

Supper today was chili. My dad makes the chili pretty mild actually. Its just sauce, chili powder, hamburger, and kidney beans. He also puts in a can of diced tomatoes now which is really good. Weather for tomorrow is going to be 44. The 10 day forecast is looking good too! Not a day under freezing!

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