
Posting old entries, pardon the mess.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

January 2, 2008

Well I didn't want to open the year with a rant, but today is officially the second day of the new year so here goes! I shall now put a disclaimer up...
The opinions expressed in the Blog are the opinions of the web master. If you don't like them tough! Thank you for your cooperation!
I Remember...
I remember when choosing an MP3 player was a real choice. I could look at tons of MP3 players and picked one I liked the best based on features for the price. Now in todays world, its all iPod crap! I seen the fall of my favorite MP3 player fall at the hands of the evil Apple. You know Apple, I hope Linux kills you once and for all. You destroy markets!
I also remember when something did what it was made for. Who remembers when the term Digital Audio Player was still used? Well now everything is called an iPod thanks to Apple. You would think most people would rather have the devices do one thing great instead of more things good. I miss the old days when my Rio 500 was king. I don't want my phone to play movies, nor do I want my MP3 player to make calls!
I remember when the PDA was the coolest thing anyone ever seen .There was once a time when taking out my Clie or iPAQ made everyone stare! Everyone wanted to see it! Now, no one cares unless you have a damn cell phone in it! Now, I do like that my PDA can play music and movies, but I still prefer separate devices for that!
I remember when a computer didn't have all the eye candy and actually ran fast for the slowness of the hardware. Now you need a at the least, 1GB of RAM, a good processor, and a great graphics card to run the best stuff. I am sorry if I rather have a computer that can run fast and get great battery life rather then have eye candy all over it! Yes, I do run Linux, but I don't use the ye candy on it!
I remember a time where video games were made to be fun instead of look good. Why is that a Super Nintendo version of Final Fantasy, or even a PSP remake of the original Final Fantasy I, is just as fun as playing a game on my PS3? I will tell you why! games were just made better then. Sure they didn't have all the frills of a modern game, but they were fun!
I also remember when games were not alway a first person shooter. While I will admit to liking Unreal Tournament 3, there is just days that I prefer a good role playing game like Final Fantasy or a hack and slash game like Zelda. Hell, there is times that I think a game would be more fun if it was a turn based RPG! Sorry, I love my PS3 but there just isn't enough role playing games! Come on! I only ask for a really fun role playing game!
This concludes the I remember rants. Now we move on to general ranting. Thank you for your continuing cooperation!
You know why I like Linux so much? I believe software should be free. I am not saying they shouldn't make money off of the hard work that goes into making a program, but I don't think they should charge for software like the do now. Sure Microsoft Office is nice, but it costs A LOT of money and some people can not afford to pay for the software! Open Office works just as good for doing your home work or spread sheets. Don't think that since the program is free its not as good! I think that they shouldn't charge for software that sucks either!
I also like Linux so much because of how different it is! Everyone has either Windows of Mac really, not many people use Linux. It also proves my point that free software doesn't suck, and that it can be just as good if not better then the programs you buy! I think that 2008 will be the year that Linux finally catches on! We have Dell selling Linux computers and several small companies like System 76 That only sell Linux computers!
I also think that we need to stop buying computers based on looks! Most of the kids who buy a Mac anymore have no to little idea of what a computer is! Sure they may have a PC, know a friend with a PC, or use one at work or school, but they have no idea what it takes t make a computer purchase! Here are my guidelines of buying a computer!
OK so you need to buy a computer right? Well now, your last computer may be aging or broken. You may also be going to school or work and need a computer. Well, this don't matter much now does it? Here is what you need to know. The main questions are:
Who is using this computer? Why are they using this computer? Where are they using this computer? How much are you willing to spend?
Lets look at these separately shall we? First up is who will be using the computer, which can be broken down into kids, parents, just you, or the whole family. This is always the first question you should ask yourself.
If the computer will be a family computer, consider a desktop computer. If the computer will be used by a kid, such as your son, then consider getting a laptop computer. If you will be using the computer solely yourself, then you can also consider a laptop. One thing that determines this though is will your spouse or children use this computer? Should this answer be yes, then a desktop is the way to go.
Secondly, What will the main usage of the computer? Will it just be for web browsing? Maybe basic office usage? The computer is also capable of some more advanced stuff though mind you! For example, you can edit ad correct photos or movies. This also helps to determine laptop or desktop. If you need more power for music, photo, or movie editing, then you should get a desktop. If you want just basic stuff like email, instant messages, and web browsing, then you should get a laptop. This is also dependent on the above question.
Another important question is: WHERE will this computer be used? A good example is for a family computer. You wouldn't want to have a laptop that can be moved around the house would you? No, this is the reason for a desktop, they stay in one place but can be moved if needed. Now, if your the only one using this, you should get a laptop, since you can use the computer anywhere! I like to use mine in the car for example.
If you are a student, then by all means get a laptop. This will save you a lot of space in your dorm room and will also be useful in class. There are also tablet PC computers I will discuss further down the page, but these are just a fancy laptop. They are more geared for a student or mobile worker. These are useful for doing drawing work also.
Of course, the question we always save for last, is also one of the biggest, if not the biggest. What kind of budget do we have to work with? This dictates a lot of what you can do with a computer. Will you cheap out and buy the basic Celeron computer, or will you go all out and buy a gaming machine? What about a mid range model? Well this all varies a lot and can even be a fine line between the two. I would also get a computer thats better then what you need as it will stay current longer, but you shouldn't spend anymore then you have to!
A low end computer will not be good for much more then the basic uses. Is this a problem? No, but it will be out of date fast sadly. A gaming computer can cost thousands of dollars and you may NEVER use the advanced stuff in it. With todays computers, a good price is around 600 dollars, give or take 100 or so. Here is what to look for:
First things first. When buying a desktop, does it come with a monitor? If not that will mean you need one separately. I will let you pick one based on the size you want, but always try to choose a brand name like Acer, Dell, or a company that also makes a good TV. If you have a laptop, you need to pick a screen size. These can vary in price also. Smaller does not always mean cheaper for example. Find one that fits your budget and is a nice size to you. Don't pick a computer based on the screen alone though! A larger laptop will get less battery life then a small one and be a lot heavier.
The next things are independent of laptop or desktop. I will combine these into one paragraph since its a lot easier. The processor, RAM, hard drive, and various internal things are important. You should get the best of these you can afford. You can upgrade the RAM and hard drive later but its better to buy it now.
The tablet thing is something you should buy if you either need it or want to show off, since it will make the computer more expensive. They have a pen that you can use to draw on the screen. They also have a special hinge that can fold the screen down to make it easier. This will cover the keyboard and mouse and everything is pen based now. Also good for watching a movie.
Now, don't let the store pressure you to buy stuff you don't want nor need! They will tell you that you need these things but you don't need at all! Now, I will tell you what you want to get and not what you don't need. Now, software wise, don't by antivirus software! Go to Avast and get it for free, all you need to do is register your email address. Don't get office, use Open Office (Link on bottom of page!) If buying a laptop, buy a bag for it, since it will make carrying easier.
They are a rip off! I have had my laptop since July 29, 2006, and have had no hardware problems! Don't get sucked into what they tell you!
Now, since that took so long and kind of took away from the ranting, I hope you all take that advice I took so much time to write for you all!
I am getting sick of seeing a lot of crappy phones anymore. Look at Verizon for a good example. Do you see any other provider forcing custom firmware thats crippled as hell on you? NO! I hate the Verizon stuff on my LG. That is why I went back to my Motorola and I don't see any draw backs. My dad even wants to go back to his if he can fix the charge port!
LG has been making some really crappy phones as of late too. A good example, the Venus on Verizon. WHY IS THERE A SMALL TOUCHSCREEN ON IT? Why not make the whole thing touch screen? Good job LG, I hate it and I will never buy one. In fact, I hate sliders in general. They also really need to work on the Bluetooth support since the VX8300's we have SUCK!
I also need to get this off my chest. BROADCOM, WHY IN HELL WON'T YOU JUST GIVE US PROPER LINUX DRIVERS? Is it so much to ask for something so simple? Why must Linux users like me suffer with crappy drivers!
Well, I started to play Final Fantasy 3 instead of Soul Blazer now. This means that I am playing not only Final Fantasy II on the PSP and Final Fantasy VII on the PS3 but now I am playing 3 games! If I can find IV, V, and VI, I will play them too. Plus I am also addicted to Mahjongg now!
Supper today was Hamburger Help Double Cheeseburger. Not much went on though. My friend bought a few preplayed movies today.
News for Wednesday January 2, 2008
Liquid Image intros underwater digital camera
How many times have you been in your pool swimming pool and thought WOW I need a camera to take a picture of this dead bug on the bottom on my pool! Well now you can!
Celio's REDFLY platform enables Foleo-like WinMo devices
Now this is just useless. Buy an ASUS Eee Pc and be done with it!
Skype Coming to Sony's PSP?
Well well well! Look at this. Now this is cool! I would love to use my PSP as a Skype phone but theres one problem. Well, two actually. There is no microphone or Bluetooth. Details are not very easy to find so I don't believe it till I see it!
Microvision to launch pocket sized projector at CES 2008
Oh my God! You have an important meeting in 5 minutes but you don't have a projector! Well thats all going to change soon! You can carry this one in your pocket!
NavStar's Voice Navigator ditches the screen, simply talks back
Now here is a good GPS! It doesn't have a screen, it only has a speaker and uses audio directions! Now this is better since maybe people will get into less accidents since they will be paying attention to the roads!
Alpine set to introduce PND K3 GPS
Well, here is something neat. Its a GPS that supports MSN direct. I have never seen one that has supported that.
Mystery ThinkPad surfaces, purportedly on track for 2008 release
Here is one nice ThinkPad. Its a 13 inch LED lighted screen. Now this is just a rumor but I also seen this on a ThinkPad forum. This means that it can be real but we shall see. It might not even be under the ThinkPad name for all we know!
Nigerian firm wins interim injunction against OLPC, asks for $20M in damages
Bad news for the OLPC program! Looks like they need to go and change the keyboard now. Plus now they can't sell it in Nigeria and need to pay 20 million in damages!
Lexar introduces Crucial branded SSDs
Here is another SSD on the market that will be available in 32 and 64 GB sizes. Lets just hope these prices come down soon so people can afford them! Plus, they will also have external ones too. That is more useful to me then internal.
Marvell announces "industry's first" 450 Mbps 802.11n chip
Now this is useful if you use networked storage since it will be easier to get your files but I think we still need to focus on getting faster internet access first!
Dash Express powered by OpenMoko's neo open-source hardware platform
Here is a nice Linux based GPS. It will be using the OpenMoko hardware too. Sure we have enough Linux based GPS units like TomTom but more is always better!
Celestron to debut new LCD digital microscope at CES
I am looking at this and I want it. It is only 40x however so that kind of makes things sadder. There I no prices yet and will be released in February.
Oil priced at $100 a barrel
Time to get them alternate fuels out soon!
Recording industry says ripping CDs to computer is illegal
I will never buy music again, screw the RIAA! Sue me for anything I will sue them back for harassment and I will make sure I win and I will take my REVENGE! No one will stop ripping a CD they purchased so just give the hell up and commit suicide.
Top 10 obscure Google search tricks
I have used some of these before and I think they are really helpful.
The top 10 most pirated movies and TV shows
I am not to shocked there!
The Darwin Awards
Need I say more?

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